

so I had a dream last night that Jack Pattillo changed his name to Jack Potato. Like AH had a video up explaining the change and it was 100% serious.

So then I went on Tumblr and everyone was scrambling to change their tags, people were seriously supportive of him, and most importantly people were trying to figure out new Team names. I think it was like Team Meat and Potatoes (Geoff), Team Free Potatoes, Team Brown Potato, Team Lil Potatoes, Team Red Tomatoes (Michael), and Team Walnut. Team Walnut was because Walnuts are tree potatoes apparently and so Potato + (Hay)Wood = Walnut.

People were also making screen caps of beat up GTA!Jack into memes, calling it Mashed Potatoes.

And someone messaged Caiti to see if she was changing her name to Potato too and she was the only person who was like: “No. I have no idea why he is doing this and I don’t think this is a good decision.” Not sure if she was being a jerk or was the only sane person there.