Ok so. I constantly worry that my ideas are silly or dumb or that no one will like them and then I see shit like this and it all gets put into perspective for a brief moment.
People likely woke up in the morning, got all clean and dressed and went to work and had meetings about making this banana costume.
People probably had an office brunch or catered meal while discussing this banana costume.
They had to hire someone to wear the banana costume and sign forms waiving rights to reproduce their image for packaging and advertisement.
Designs were discussed and made and formatted for use with machines to probably mass produce this banana costume.
Meanwhile I sit here worrying that my ideas, with so much more care and love and thought put into them are somehow inferior to this fucking banana costume in the grand scheme of things, because that fucking banana got made and likely had over 100 people involved in some shape or form in its creation!
No, my ideas aren’t dumb. I’m dumb for not thinking I can do better than a banana costume.
YES! So much This.
Preach it, brother!
I think I need to print this out to hang about my desk
If Creepy Banana Innuendo Costume can be a thing that came true, then so can your dreams. Nothing is impossible.