




Of course you don’t. Free college might hinder the school-to-prison pipeline your  prison owning donors depend on



Actual quote, in context:

“I believe that we should make community college free. We should have debt-free college if you got to a public college or university. You should not have to borrow a dime to pay tuition… I disagree with free college for everybody. I don’t think taxpayers should be paying to send Donald Trump’s kids to college.“ 

Don’t spread misinformation just to fit a narrative, Clinton is advocating for there to be a cap on who gets free college so that the government doesn’t have to subsidize the education of people with enough disposable income to pay for it themselves. The plan she’s proposing would have a better chance of being passed, is more cost-effective, and still opens up higher education to low-income individuals who previously couldn’t afford it. 

I am not disputing that this was out of context or anything, but I have an issue with denying free education to someone based on their family money. I know Donald Trump is a soggy cheeto of a person and his kids prolly don’t need any help getting their educations funded, but I have friends whos parents are loaded and yet won’t support them because they are queer/not getting the /right/ degree or whatever and have been punished for it by FAFSA and all kinds of things. I oppose punishing kids who’s parents CAN pay for school but will only do so with conditions or something. You can’t put a line out there and say ‘someone who has rich parents must not need help with education expenses’ because that traps kids under their rich parent’s thumbs. And I know the argument is that if you aren’t LIVING with them then you’d be able to get help or something, but moving out might mean losing contact with siblings permanently or having to get a job to pay rent that would conflict with classes/ ect.