




job applications just keep getting weirder…..

pro jobseeking tip: never answer these surveys honestly

also a tip: if they have a question like “Everybody steals from work sometimes” answer “disagree.”

I found this out when i was working as a hiring manager and the company i worked for started instituting these tests for managerial hires or promotions. My boss and I were promoting someone and she failed the test because she answered that question as “slightly agree” which in the results tells them that she is someone likely to steal because she believes everyone does it. When we asked her about her answer, it turns out she picked what she did because she’s cynical and does assume that people steal but didnt agree with them doing so. she almost sued the company for not promoting her based on that but chose to leave instead. We lost a good employee because corporate decided these tests were a good way to screen for “good” employees.

tldr these things are poorly designed, ambiguously worded, and structured in ways that are designed to eliminate people because the intention of the questions is never made clear. these tests are evil.

this sounds like an ableist disaster for people who aren’t neurotypical and who struggle with reading signals 

This test is really skewed toward neurotypical people. I took some, so here is my cheat sheet from what I remember.

No one steals! Work is fun! Teams are great!

If someone breaks the rules, snitch! If someone doesn’t understand the rules, offer to teach them! If someone tries to get you to break the rules, snitch.

If something upsets a customer, apologize even when it is not your fault. If someone confides in you that they broke the rules, snitch.

Always respond “strongly agree” or “strongly disagree”.

But yeah, this sucks for neurodivergent folk. Someone should dissect a full test so that people can study for this.