@ trekkies



It’d be a good idea to just preemptively block the “Star Trek dating” site’s tumblr, @trekdatingblr. Not only is it a straight dating site excluding nonbinary and non-het people, BUT they also steal and use images of cosplayers without their permission as advertising.

Even when contacted they would not take my picture off their Twitter account promoting their website. I don’t want MY picture being used to promote a STRAIGHT DATING WEBSITE! Much less without some sort of credit or my permission! I’m sure most of you wouldn’t want that either. That’s harmful to the content creators (specifically, costumers and cosplayers and photographers) of the fandom.

So please, block them. Don’t reblog them. Don’t reblog their posts from someone else. Don’t give them your time or money or page views.

Reblogging for visibility. Don’t be a dick, Trek Dating Thing.