
y’know what?

not once when i was at school was i told that it was okay to fail and that sometimes you ARE going to fail, and not once was i told how to deal with it
i was pressured into thinking that if i didnt get perfect grades, if i didnt pass my exams, if i didnt study enough, that i would be a failure my entire life

and y’know what? that way of thinking is actually what caused me to fail, what caused me to essentially break down under all the pressure that i put on myself, and if that’s not totally screwed up, i dont know what is

so this is for my followers that feel like their grades are slipping, that feel like they are failing and are TERRIFIED of what is going to happen, because failure was never an option: you are allowed to fail. it will happen, and it will be okay when it does happen, as long as you pick yourself up afterwards and stop beating yourself up over it.

i failed my exams. 100% flunked. had a total melt down and panicked myself into totally shutting down. but despite it all, i am going to uni next month. there is always another way, as long as you keep trying and accept that failing is okay, and heck, it sometimes even leads you to better things!

what i’m trying to say is: you can do this. and even if you cant, that’s okay-there will be a way around it.