




ah yes, how could I forget my favorite homestuck au, finalsstuck,

In case anyone’s curious, Finalsstuck is a post-game pre-act-7 divergent au where everyone still has their powers and memories but they’ve escaped the game and fully integrated themselves into a remade Earth with significant populations of trolls, carapaces, and cherubim. But as the cast of Homestuck slowly adapts to life as normal kids on a nonviolent planet, they encounter a new threat: the rigorous and unforgiving world of higher education.

As the end of the semester draws near, the tensions and stress levels mount, and the number of moral quandaries doesn’t keep from getting bigger. Can Rose and John convince Dave to use the time travel powers he promised to give up just this once, so that he can get some fucking sleep? Is it really a good or safe idea for Jade to teleport across campus in her rush to submit her physics final? If Jake wills so much for his answers on the test to be right that he changes the structure of the universe, is that fair to the other students? And what will Terezi do when she realizes that Vriska is using her luck powers to cheat on her multiple choice exam?

Finalsstuck. Coming this May to a university near you.

#dirk drinks like 10 energy drinks in a row#if i die i’ll just come back it’s fine guys#homestuck#this is too relatable rn#AU 

Dirk arrogantly registering for an ungodly number of credit-hours. Dirk splintering to cover them all. Dirk splintering to work jobs to pay to house and feed all of himself. Dirk in every class. In every business. Dirk Everywhere. Dirks slowly, implacably, growing to hate each other. The Dirkocalypse of Finals Week 😐 😐 😐

Rose registering for every psych course she can get. Walking expressionlessly into the last class, picking up the final from the front of the room, gliding to the very center of the lecture hall, and lighting the whole thing on fire.

Rose looking at her final paper assignment in the syllabus: