the inarguably best three avatar moments in no particular order
that’s rough buddy
no firelord ozai YOU’RE not wearing any pants
that part where they’re all completely baffled by there being just a regular bear
Maybe it’s friendly
Can your Science explain why it rains
The Boulder feels conflicted
HOW can you SAY that
We have defeated you for all time! You will never rise from the ashes of your shame and humiliation!
Hello, Zuko here
It’s Sparky Sparky Boom Man!
I’m Wang Fire. And this is my wife, Sapphire… Fire
And this is Katara, my flying sister
when Aang grabbed Ozai by his stupid goat beard right before kicking his ass
Sokka: I can’t see ANYTHING! Toph: Oh no, what a nightmare! Sokka: Sorry.
Honorable mentioned:
How have you all forgotten “I am not Toph! I am M E L O N L O R D”
@Sokka now nobody panic but I think this kid might be the avatar @aang is that the big eared guy you’re supposed to marry You added a rainbow Warrior’s wolf tail Delectable tea or deadly poison Appa ate momo! I’m coming for u buddy! The newly refurbished chamber that was once bad You’re so beautiful when u hate the world The entire beach episode honestly