
there’s that post with the beta kid’s Instagram going around and while i think it’s very aesthetically pleasant to look at it is honestly sacrificing character in order to be pretty. none of these kids would have pretty instagrams. like rose’s would be like:

  • [ picture of her foot stomping on an anthill, blurry probably due to movement; superimposed letters read “human beings in a mob”]
  • [four extreme close-up creepshots of santa at the mall, posted one after the other, no captions]
  • [aesthetically corny picture of a human skull and some flowers that she broke into the science building to take (flowers are hers, specifically brought for this purpose)]
  • [picture of her pulling the skull close to her face like they’re cheek to cheek, deadfaced, caption reads “Twinsies”]
  • [selfie where you can “””casually”””” see the pile of books she is ‘“””reading””” in the background]
  • [picture of a knitted sweater that reads ‘@wolfpupy: me: [wearing my cool goth clothes
    some guy yelling from a car: halloween was yesterday
    me: halloween is forever bitch]