
important endgame new world ships to consider:

kanaya and rose agree to see other people. this lasts until they both see jane and have to sit around with each other under trees for emotional support. 

jade wants to hang out with dave because she is determined to have friends and live life and kick ass and be bold and cool now that she’s not in battleship spacekid limbo. dave and karkat are almost incapable of functioning separately from each other anymore. karkat had that awkward thing for jade because his type is ‘people that could end me’. dave had that awkward thing for jade because his type is ‘people that are nice to me’. shit goes down. like karkat and dave. on jade. 

john likes roxy. roxy likes john. john dislikes terezi. roxy likes terezi. terezi hatelikes both of them. makeouts, in between john and roxy pushing vriska away from terezi with a long pole. 

arquius and davepeta are people now. they hug a lot. the level of forthright and sincere affection between them is pretty fucking filthy. 

jake is the new boss of the felt because of course they came through and they teach him leprechaun shipping and having various kinds of interpersonal relationships laid out in a clear and systematic really helps his social anxiety. he and crowbar have a respectful masculine relationship based on mutual respect and dressing real snappy and sometimes crowbar puts his arm around jake’s shoulders in a fond mentorly way and sometimes dirk gets distracted enough to walk into a wall.