




Possible 19% swing in Hillary Clinton’s favor happened in Chicago that may have not only lost Chicago, but the entire state of Illinois for Bernie Sanders after it was discovered that State Board of Elections Auditors were witnessed changing votes to match reported Primary night totals.

Starts around the 24 minute mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSNTauWPkTc&feature=youtu.be&t=24m37s

Nevada, New York, and now Illinois, state after state is running into potential tampering in Clinton’s favor.

I highly encourage everyone to share this. Not just on Tumblr, but also on Twitter and Facebook if you use them. This miscarriage of democracy needs to be publicized to the fullest extent. It’s unlikely that the Clinton-favoring media will cover this story, so convince the writers of media-critical programs like The Daily Show, The Nightly Show, and/or Last Week Tonight to do a segment covering these incidents.

This is exactly why USM has decided to open a petition to request an assessment from the UN on the current condition of the US primary voter issues. At this point elected officials are not responding to the concerns of the people. The power and influence of the UN are the only thing that will get us answers about these inconsistencies. Please sign here!

establishment cheats for establishment

Answers? THE ANSWER IS OBVIOUS! EVERYTHING IS RIGGED! Politics are a sham and choice is an illusion! It amazes me that only NOW people are catching on