what do you think dave and rose’s favourite smells are


rose says her favourite is petrichor bc it makes her sound deep and she lives in desperate hope for the likes of john to say “gee rose what does that long word mean”!! (he never does he just laughs at her). but its actually the awful fucking l’oreal kids no tears cherry almond shampoo that mom insisted on buying her since 1997 bc of some biting comment two year old rose made about moms impeccable childcare skills and choice of hygiene products whilst simultaneously rubbing it into her eyes. rose savours the afternoons she spends pouring gallons of it into the hollow insides of various wizard statues around the house so eventually her mom is buying 5 crates a week and has a massive amount of shares in the company because lil rosie just loves it so much! they are at a total stalemate for like 10 years. imps start breaking shit in the house and it seeps out everywhere. ahh nostalgia

daves favourite smell is actually petrichor but if u ask him he’ll say its ass