New Pokemon Sun and Moon Info:
- The game is being directed by Shigeru Ohmori while Junichi Masuda is the overall producer
- Part of the focus on the development of the starters was on their movement when in battle.
- Ledyba can be found in Route 1 of the game. The move lists can bring up full details and tell you if the move will be effective, super effective, or not effective on the opponent Pokémon
- You can now see how a stat has been altered via moves in battle.
- Ledyba is #020 in the Alola Region Pokédex and will show you the evolution chain or if it forms a pair
- New Pokémon called Yungoos. It’s always hungry and can be found in Route 1. It is Normal-type. Ability is Stake Out/Strong Jaw
- New Pokémon called Pikipek. It is Normal/Flying-type. Its abilities are Keen Eye and Skill Link. It has two evolutions and is #010 in the Alola Pokédex.
Source: Serebii