Reasons to watch Cleverman


  • Australian scifi
  • Australian Aboriginal scifi with a predominantly Aboriginal cast
  • filmed in and around Sydney
  • does not hold back on the metaphor for race relations AT ALL
  • the Aboriginal men are intelligent, sexual, caring and not in the least emasculated
  • the Aboriginal women I am waiting to see another side to aside from wife and victim
  • it’s airing simultaneously on Aussie ABC as well as on the Sundance channel
  • second season has already been commissioned
  • the white people are the least interesting in this story and so they bloody well should be 
  • did I mention how completely unapologetic it is about depicting the vile conditions Aboriginal people have and still face, how it totally depicts the struggle the Aboriginal person has between cultures?
  • Aboriginal superheroes … already one guy and I am really hoping for a girl awakening to her potential in the second ep

Not my gif, made by @clevermanabc.