- Classism (i.e. “everyone can/there’s no excuse not to be vegan!”/”beans and rice tho!”/not acknowledging food deserts or pretending they don’t exist, etc.)
- Fat-phobia/body shaming
- Misogyny (again, PETA, but they’re not the only culprits)
- Comparing slavery/the Holocaust to treatment of animals (there’s really no need for it, and it’s more liable to turn people off from the message than onto it)
- For that matter, talking about racism, sexism, etc. like they’re somehow in the past and we don’t need to fight them anymore, when this is not the case.
- Ageism (i.e erasure of vegans over 50 years old, glorification of plant-based diets as “anti-aging, etc.)
- Ableism (“harden the fuck up” mentality when it
comes to mental illness/”happiness is a choice in the moment!”/using ableist
terms like “psychotic,” “crazy,” “stupid,” “retard/fucktard,” etc. to describe
nonvegans, the notion that a plant-based diet cures all ills or makes one
immune to them, etc.)- Pretending that human issues don’t exist, are not important, and/or are not impacted by the same system that profits off the exploitation of animals (i.e. the same system that profits off slaughterhouses, SeaWorld, the fur industry, the leather industry, etc. can’t get by without underpaid workers, child slavery, and leaving communities of people to deal with the aftermath of their lands being devastated by clear-cutting and pollution)
For starters…
It’s also ableism to presume everyone can have a plant based diet. A lot of autistic people, people with gastrointestinal problems, people with certain eating disorders, etc. Can’t make a vegan diet work for them, even if they had a lot of money.
– Ignoring the human migrant workers exploited by farming.
– Ignoring how demand for the latest imported fad health food can price it out of reach of the local people who once depended on it.
– Pretending that farming doesn’t kill many animals incidentally in pest control and harvesting.
-Pretending bee-keeping isn’t completely fucking vital to a goddamned plant based diet.
– Not acknowledging the cultural importance of meat and animal based products in many cultures, and refusing to admit that eating meat and animal products may help people feel connected to their culture
– Appropriating aspects of religions (especially Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism) to justify how “”“spiritually healthy”“” a vegan diet is
-when questioned about why they value animal lives over human, saying that humans can deserve to suffer and die, due to [insert immoral behavior here], as opposed to the irreproachable innocence of animals
-getting real mad when other people think they’re dicks due to this expressed philosophy