Please please please be polite to Jehovah’s Witnesses who come to your door with children.
These children often do not want to be there but will be punished if they say otherwise.
My mother was a stay at home mom who regular pioneered and she took me out in service (going door to door) almost every day from the time I was 3 until I was 10, in both rural and urban territory. I was also taken in service every Saturday from the time I was 11-15.
During those years, some things I remember are:
- People came to the door with guns a lot, several times they loaded them and removed the safety (I later learned what they had been doing) while telling us to leave.
- When I was 5, someone sicced their rottweiler on us. I had an irrational fear of rottweilers until I was about 15 and met a friendly one.
- People came to the door with knives.
- Lots of angry screaming.
- While doing walking territory with a Guatemalan 8 yr old girl, a man came to the door in full KKK attire (hood, robes with the blood cross symbol, etc) and a gun and invited us in. I grabbed her and ran back to car and locked us inside. I was later yelled for not finishing the street by the man in charge of the car group.
- A man set the magazines they were handed on fire and dropped them in front of us. We almost got burned really bad.
- Some people followed us down a street throwing rocks.
- A woman poured scalding hot coffee over my head.
- Several incidents of racial slurs being screamed.
- A woman kicked me off her porch when I was 6.
- The person I was with was slapped across the face with a large wooden rosary.
Ex JW’s feel free to add any stories of people at the door being shitty.
And we were always told that opposition proved that they were right. And we were encouraged to suck it up and keep going, because “Jehovah was behind us.” And no matter what was done to me, I was always expected to be in service again the next day, or weekend. And I was told to not talk about it, especially to worldly adults.
I know that Jehovah’s Witnesses are annoying, and I know that they keep coming back, and I know that they’re sexist and homophobic and transphobic, but please don’t traumatize children for it. It isn’t their fault they were born into this religion.
P. S. Do not ask JW parents if their kids want to be there. Usually, they will force their children to answer the question, and if the child doesn’t answer “acceptably” (an unacceptable answer can include hesitating, not smiling and making eye contact while saying “yes”, pretty much anything that doesn’t convince the person that “yes, they want to be there and are happy about it”), the child will be punished.
Only thing I can think of that wasn’t mentioned was probably coming to the door naked, like please don’t flash children against their will, but yeah other than that I think you covered it.
Holy shit!
It costs nothing to be polite to people or just not answer the door!