
Honestly the main fixes for Pokemon Go that I would suggest:

Like, the biggest issue is that the game actively punishes you for not living in the city. If you don’t have enough Pokestops nearby you’re basically fucked to the point where the game’s nigh unplayable.

Rather than Niantic trying to make sure that they populate every last corner of the earth with Pokestops they should make the game not rely so damn much on them.

  • You should get a daily log-in bonus so that each day you play you at least have SOME pokeballs to work with.
  • Additionally, simply travelling around should automatically give you Pokeballs over time. So that people who don’t have a Pokestop on every corner can actually play the game.
  • Pokestops should give more or less items depending on the density of Pokestops around them. 
  • If there amount of server-side Pokemon nearby is below a certain threshold, the game should start spawning in client-side Pokemon.
  • Fix!!! The damn!!! 3!!! Step!!! Bug!!!