We need to have a nomination for “Stupidest thing Tumblr.com has ever believed” and just move into an official Top 10 List.
For my nominations, I’m putting up:
If you eat a chocolate bar a very specific way, you will break physics and get infinite chocolate.
It is impossible that you spelled “Berenstain Bears” wrong and is, instead, more likely that the universe fractured into separate, overlapping realities in the last 20 years.
I can’t decide which is more beautiful. It’s why we need a vote.
this is a picture of the human brain at the moment of death. tragic and beautiful
Fuck. That is a damn good nomination.
if you close your eyes when the train hits your brain will assume you are dead. Some find this comforting.
We’re getting into the good ones now. This is some classic Tumblr.
has no one mentioned the time when someone tried to defend mayonnaise as a gender?
The people that argued the inside of a red, meaty fruit should be tagged gore because vaguely looked like a bloody wound if you squinted at it.
You mean this post Slagar?
That’s the one.
tag your gore/pomegranates asswipe
Please keep adding to this
That post where that guy thought Spain wasn’t a country
Related: that post where someone claimed white people shouldn’t speak spanish because it was “cultural appropriation”
How about the recent “brexit correlation with mad cow disease” map that was literally just the same image in greyscale
I’m sorry but the Berenstain/Berenstein Bear thing still bothers me. I’m in my late twenties and it kinda questions the foundation of my memories. I just looked at the Wikipedia page and couldn’t handle it. It was like in the movie The Langoliers when they keeping finding things a little off/wrong. I’m not saying it’s a conspiracy/alternative dimension. Just it was Berenstein Bears in my childhood.
every ball in that sad little pool stood for a breathtakingly, immensley stupid post on tumblr dot com