

so now that its been confirmed marina hasn’t been kidnapped and suffers from schizophrenia, people are pissed off and saying it was just a publicity stunt to gain subs??? way to prove we’re still in a toxic society that deems mental illnesses as “attention seeking” and not something to be taken seriously

Marina made repeated videos telling everyone she was okay but nobody believed her until her mum came in to explain things. Then everyone got angry at Marina because they had misread the situation. She wasn’t trying to trick people or gain attention. She just couldn’t make people believe her when she told them the truth.

Leave the poor girl alone. Marina has already had to deal with the police coming around because they thought she’d been kidnaped. Now people are sending her hate because THEY wouldn’t believe a neurodivergent girl when she told them something.

I get it. It was better to air on the side of caution until we knew that she was safe. However, now we do know the truth so why can’t people move on? You should be happy she’s safe not pissed at her because you were wrong about her being in a dangerous situation.