dumb psa about pokemon



When it comes to Hawaiian words, I”m kind of a stickler for pronounciation. Yeah, ironically I have a really American accent but I still know how to pronounce “kane” okay so whatever. (it’s pronounced “KAH-ne”, not like “cane” btw) 

I’d go into detail but I’m not qualified to lecture people about pronounciation so oops.

Now, most people aren’t gonna know how to pronounce something in a foreign language (especially an unfortunately dying one like Hawaiian) so I’m not gonna get pissy if someone says it wrong. I’ll just maybe go “ech” and carry on.

ANYWAYS I was just gonna say, this dude?

his name is Kiawe, and it’s not pronounced “KEY-uh-wee” or something. It’s pronounced “key-AH-vay”. Kiawe is a species of mesquite tree that grows in Hawaii!

I don’t have anything else to say because this is a pretty dumb post. But hey, the more you know or something.

This is not a dumb post. This is a cool post. I love learning new stuff.