



today in “youtube’s recommendation algorithm completely misunderstands what i’m interested in”: i am recommended a channel consisting entirely of livestreams of a creepy dude sitting in a corner and just staring at the camera for 4 hours, 3 times a week

a robber broke into his house and he didn’t stop recording and the robber got so creeped out he left. the video is on his YouTube somewhere here

“This episode of Sitting and Smiling features a very special guest.
About 2.5 hours into the webcast, I hear someone come into the
house, which is odd, because my only housemate is at work, and we
aren’t expecting anyone. I realize I didn’t check to see if the doors
were locked before starting the webcast. I hear the person stealthily moving
around the house, and then I hear them stealthily climbing the stairs,
towards my room. My door opens, and I hear an unfamiliar male
voice say “Hello?”. Then, after presumably seeing me sitting still and
smiling in front of a camera, lit from beneath by a florescent bulb, he
promptly descends the stairs and exits the house.

You can see this happen at 2:36:30

As it turns out, the doors were locked, and he had broken one open. We found nothing missing, as there is not really anything of value in the house other than the laptop I was using to webcast.“

I’m howling