


The ultimate Steven Universe conspiracy: 

In Greg the Babysitter, Vidalia’s babysitter can’t work because of a “death in the family” (which is revealed to be a hamster).

Vidalia also mentions that this babysitter is 12 years old at the time, which means they’re about 12-13 years older than Sour Cream. If Sour Cream is currently somewhere between 15-18, this would mean the babysitter is currently in their late 20s, early 30s. Most people in the show are either “parent age” (Greg, Vidalia, Mayor Dewey), “teen age” (Sadie, Cool Kids, Ronaldo), or “kids age” (Connie, Onion, Petey). This leaves but one option:

Which leads me to the most important fact in the entire show: Jamie the Mailman used to have a hamster.

Theater is Jamie’s life. As a former drama geek myself I guarantee we’re exactly the type of person who’d go into a full mourning period over a hamster.

It’s speculated that baby Sour Cream inspired Rose to create Steven.

Everything that’s happened in this show happened because Jamie’s hamster died.