English Has a New Preposition, Because Internet
However it originated, though, the usage of “because-noun” (and of “because-adjective” and “because-gerund”) is one of those distinctly of-the-Internet, by-the-Internet movements of language. It conveys focus (linguist Gretchen McCulloch: “It means something like ‘I’m so busy being totally absorbed by X that I don’t need to explain further, and you should know about this because it’s a completely valid incredibly important thing to be doing’”). It conveys brevity (Carey: “It has a snappy, jocular feel, with a syntactic jolt that allows long explanations to be forgone” “It has a snappy, jocular feel, with a syntactic jolt that allows long explanations to be forgone”).
But it also conveys a certain universality. When I say, for example, “The talks broke down because politics,” I’m not just describing a circumstance. I’m also describing a category. I’m making grand and yet ironized claims, announcing a situation and commenting on that situation at the same time. I’m offering an explanation and rolling my eyes — and I’m able to do it with one little word. Because variety. Because Internet. Because language.
Reblogging. Because linguistics.
This is also really exciting because prepositions are a functional category, which is generally pretty rigid and not prone to expansion. New verbs and nouns and adjectives and adverbs? Sure, all the time. But prepositions?
Language change~! Because kids these days.
If I’m remembering my internet history correctly (and please do correct me if I am wrong) this came from the meme “because reasons” which was shorted from “because of reasons” that came from this comichttp://threewordphrase.com/pardonme.htm
Which means we got a new preposition because dirty joke.
Which is wonderful.