



Why are there people who consider LGBT things an inappropriate topic for children? In 2012 I heard the word “lesbian” for the first time and decided to look it up. After watching a couple of videos (a clip from a movie and some anime scene, I think), my only thought was “oh, it’s just people kissing” and I moved on. When I was 9 and going through the beginning of my weeb phase, I found a gay anime ship for the first time and my reaction was just “that’s cute, but I don’t ship it”. When I was 8, there was something about a transgender woman on the news, and I listened with complete interest, not fazed by the fact that someone with a dick can be a woman. When I was 11, I told my dad that I thought that one of his friend’s names was strange to me, and he explained that his friend was taking medication to become a boy, and I completely understood.
Stop keeping LGBT things away from children. They understand it just fine.


When i was 3 i saw this trans woman who was just at the beginning of her transition And i asked my mama “mommy, why is that man wearing a dress” she said “honey i think she’s a girl, some people were accidentally put in the wrong body and they take medicine to become who they really are” me “oh, ok” *turns to the woman who was close enough to hear us* “im sorry i accidentally called you a boy”
It doesn’t effect us seeing people in the community hell, after one of my friends came out to me as trans i looked up what it meant and was like “holy shit its me”

my best friend in kindergarten had two moms and i didn’t care in the slightest. i just wanted to learn about where she was from (she was adopted from china as a baby). I also had two twin boys adopted from cambodia with two dads in my class. I didn’t really care about them either.