White girls realizing white isn’t supreme after all. #Love it!
This is disturbing, I can’t believe she actually said this is an interview
She needs an African slap
1. The Court for Arbitration in Sport suspended the regulation on hyperandrogenism (high level of testosterone happening naturally in women) because there is no clear evidence that it advantages the individuals who present it.
2. While Caster Semenya has been publicly diagnosed with hyperandrogenism (in 2009, as she was suspected not to “qualify as a woman” for the race she’d just won), neither Francine Niyonsaba nor Margaret Wambui are known to have that condition. People think they do because they have muscular bodies that are deemed unfeminine, so clearly testosterone must be in play.
You’re just sore you lost to women you refuse to see as women because they don’t fit your white stereotype for femininity. You came 5th. Sit the fuck down.
this is so transmisogynist/intersexist she’s ugly