- Getting winded after walking quickly/upstairs with binder on, but able to catch breath
- Chafing in the underarm areas
- Soreness (during or after) in arms, shoulders, or back
- Increased acne on chest or back
- Mild anxiety about tightness
- Chest sagging
No, take it off and rest, see a doctor if problem gets worse or doesn’t go away after taking the binder off (or after one week):
- Nausea during or after binding, including nausea caused by pain
- Bruising
- Out of breath/can’t catch breath when not wearing binder
- Skin rash
- Sharp pains in ribs
- Not able to cough or sneeze
- Numbness in arms
- Feeling too tired/sore to do everyday activities
- Suddenly having any of the above symptoms even if you’ve been binding for years
No, see a doctor ASAP, could be a sign of serious injury:
- Anything from the above category if you can just tell/feel something is wrong, better safe than sorry
- Extreme claustrophobia/panic attacks
- Sharp pain in chest/heart skipping beats or beating very fast
- Not able to breathe
- Dizziness
- Blueness in lips or fingertips
- Change in shape of ribcage
- Fainting