Tons of video game voice actors have gone on STRIKE
So, I won’t be picking up Andromeda until I hear this has resolved in favor of the guild.
“Triple A video games often generate more revenue than blockbuster movies, yet these video game actors aren’t demanding millions of dollars per film – they just want their contracts to be fair.”
voice actors can’t change their established contracts so i look forward to playing space-faring kiss boy 4 on day 1
It’s not about “not being able to play” up coming titles, such as ME Andromeda, it’s about showing support and solidarity for the voice actors and motion capture actors as they work towards a system which would provide more fair contracts for future work.
If WE as a gaming community, the people who are providing these companies with their revenue, were to say(and fucking DO), “we will not buy another game from you until you negotiate fairly with the actors,” it would be a huge wake up call to these publishers.
Everyone rolls their eyes when actors ask for contract negotiations, but this is their profession. It cannot be done professionally by just anybody. Actors deserve to be fairly compensated for their work.
good for them!
Steve Blum sums up the issues quite eloquently. I fully support them and hope they can get what they want.
Please read the union’s flyer (PDF) and FAQ on why they’re calling for a strike. It’s not just money, but personal health and safety that’s at risk. The conditions in which some voice actors are being asked to work is unconscionable, to the point where the union has requested an investigation by Cal/OSHA, the state workplace safety office. If you care about video games, and the people who make them come alive, you should be aware of why they’re striking.