actual horoscopes for this week i swear these arent homestuck references

aries: youre going to see a lot of things change within both yourself and the world around you in the future
taurus: you will find the courage to speak up for yourself when it really counts. dont squander your opportunity to do big things
gemini: you spend too much time doing things for other people. take a break. set some time aside so you can spend time with the people you care about.
cancer: your friends are going to need your help soon, but with your help, even the most scary things can be overcome
leo: you dont have forever to dwell on things! if you dont tell people how you feel now, youll carry those feelings to the grave. sieze the day.
virgo: youre on the verge of interesting development in your romantic life. dont be afraid to try new things, even if they seem strange at first.
libra: sometimes its hard to make decisions. and sometimes no matter what you choose, you’ll regret it. learn to move on, or youll end up feeling sorry for yourself forever.
scorpio: there will always be haters. lots of people will stand in your way. but youre the hero of your own story. stay true to yourself and do what you know is right, and you will be rewarded handsomely
sagittarius: you cant protect people by controlling them. learn to let the people you love be free, or you risk losing them
capricorn: youre going to disappoint a lot of people, but the future has a lot in store for you, so youll survive
aquarius: not all relationships last. it may be tempting to give up hope, and to lash out at others. dont do anything youll regret.
pisces: most people will forget your sacrifices, but that doesnt mean you didnt make them. some time spent in isolation will bring you many new friends

s/o to the person i just battled for continuing to play after i wrecked their awesome strategy

i might not be able to get the footprint ribbon??? shit