






btw… important PSA: cutting off the mold on the surface of food does nothing. you can only see the spores on the surface, but mold itself has spread and grown roots into the food. by the time you can actually *see* the spores, that piece of food is completely full of it. youre still eating mold

many of which are poisonous and have been shown to cause cancer. youre not even supposed to sniff it, because that can get spores into your lungs. like if you look up the health and safety guidelines for mold they barely stop short of telling you to put on a hazmat suit. 

like produce is okay as long as you cut around it at least an inch, but cooked foods? you gonna die. stop eating mold people 

does that include bread


it’s been linked to before but this is a good solid source

and there’s a lot of ‘whose doing this!?!??’ in comments

the answer is, unsurprisingly, poor people. poor people, and people who fear poverty, honestly

it’s horrible what that will do, how people will endanger themselves because of it, of fear of food scarcity

source for that: me, a lifetime of living under the poverty line and also being mentally ill

I’m on mobile and can’t caption, but the image is a text chart of what foods are safe to cut off the mold, and what must be discarded. The full, text version of the chart is in the usda link above.

Oh thank goodness. I’ve been cutting the mold off hard cheeses my whole life. This post had me worried because I grew up poor as shit and we could not just throw out food on a whim, so I’ve been carving around soft spots on apples, moldy spots on cheeses, and hard lunch meats my whole life.