




do you ever think about how legendary pokemon might be their equivalent of cryptids in the pokemon world like ‘okay sure trainer you say you got a picture of a moltres but that just looks like you lit a rubber chicken on fire, that’s probably a hoax.’ ‘everyone knows that mewtwo is just a dude in a suit.’ ‘my grandmother’s aron got taken by deoxys my aunt got it on video’ 

*tumblr blogger in pokemon world voice* ho-oh is gay and also my dad

Giratina is real but you need to drink two super repels and be behind a pokemart at 3:33 to see him.

*tumbler trainer voice*  The only way to catch Regirock, Regice, and Registeel is to pound ten monster energies behind a poke center while blasting a skrillex megamix. When they appear you fight with fists.

to be honest I think that might be LESS of a shitpost than “learn braille, go underwater and just fuckin chuck a corsola at the wall”