Self Diagnosis Misconceptions

How anti-self dxers think I self dxed:
Me: *reads post about disorder and mildly relates to half a sentence of it* sounds edgy *loudly screams from the rooftops that I Definitely Have The Disorder*
How I actually self dxed: (note that this takes place over a period of multiple months)
Me: *reads post about disorder* wow I really relate to this but I don’t have that disorder so I’ll just ignore it.
Me: *reads and relates to many more posts about that disorder* ok, I should probably look into this more.
Me: *looks up official diagnostic criteria for the disorder* huh, I guess I don’t have it.
Me: *reads and relates to more posts about the disorder* hmm… this is kinda weird…
Me: *looks up the diagnostic criteria again, this time recalling past incidences of symptoms* wait I… actually do enough of these symptoms to get I diagnosis… how did I not realize this the first time…?
Me, weeks later: but what if I actually don’t?
Me: *looks at the diagnostic criteria again, remembering even more past symptoms* ok I most likely really do have this disorder.
Me again: but what if I really don’t
Me: *takes at least half a dozen online tests based off the official diagnostic criteria*
Literally every test: You might/probably/definitely have moderate/severe (disorder). You need to see a mental health professional.
Me: ok, the evidence so far suggests I have this disorder
Me, forever questioning my own perceptions: ok but what if I don’t