On Thursday, California’s secretary of state gave the go-ahead to Yes California Independence Campaign to begin the process of collecting signatures necessary to get a secession initiative on the statewide 2018 ballot for a vote.
According to the Hill, the group needs to collect 585,407 signatures from registered voters in 180 days to get a spot on the ballot.
If voters pass the initiative, a special statewide election would ask voters if they want California state to become a sovereign nation.
The state’s attorney general said if the measure passed, clauses in the state constitution that call the state “an inseparable part of the United States” would be erased.
The same would go for anything calling the U.S. Constitution the “supreme law of the land.” Read more
>california secedes
>rest of the USA condemned to forever Republican governments without California’s 55 electors
>of which california still desperately needs to deal with regarding their drought and energy problems
>california now more than ever fucked and lorded over by republicans
>and so also, the liberals of the united states
lmao you sure you want to bark up this tree?
This is the worst idea.
I’m on mobile so I can’t link to it but apparently KQED (the Bay Area’s PBS branch) just published an article about the guy who started the Calexit movement and it turns out to be a super right-wing guy with ties to Russia (as in, he’s currently living out of Moscow teaching at one of Putin’s universities; his San Francisco address is utilized more or less like an office for this movement). Everyone I know who is actually politically engaged in California all know and agree it’s a bad idea, it’s the moderates and the younger people who aren’t nearly as politically aware who are in support of it, largely because of the memes.
This is because Russia, since they lack the monetary or military power to rival the United states, have turned to the Eurasian ideology of Aleksandr Dugin, The Russian government’s primary geopolitical strategist, to combat the United states and the “Atlanticist” world, meaning the west, by covert undermining of western political order.
Yes, Russia is behind the sudden revival of separatism in California, but also Texas and so on and so forth, and has been for years. This is a long game, and Russia is very careful and patient about it because they know they can’t stand shoulder to shoulder against the American superpower.
So what Russia has been doing is tacitly supporting nationalist movements throughout the world, regardless of if they are right or left wing, but especially in the United States, where Russia engages with separatist movements in both blue and red states. Ultimately, Russia’s goal isn’t to put a crony into the white house, but piece by piece, erode the United States into squabbling breakaway states. What Russia is doing is the long game of Soviet Union style breakup of the United States of America and the European Union. If the USA is too busy falling apart from the seams by radical left revolutionaries, minority uprisings and far right militias, the USA can not lead a concentrated effort to prevent the expansion of Russian influence in flashpoints such as Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and the middle east.
What’s happening right now, with the violent, incredibly cacophonous infighting withing the United States is extremely deliberate.
The Russian strategy is the general idea that they will break up large countries into several smaller ones, with the smaller breakaway states eternally grateful to the Russians for the support in helping them become independent. Russia will also court these nations or uplifted nationalist regimes with deals according to their interests. IE, Russia can dangle Prussia/Konigsberg/Kaliningrad before germany and return it to Germany in exchange for good favour. Russia could also appeal to the traditional fellowship between France and Germany, arrayed against Britain. Here, it isolates Russias enemies against eachother while inserting itself to the table as a favoured mediator.
What this produces is a pseudo-imperialism for Russia in a time where Russia can no long overtly operate as a imperial power as it had in the past.
It bears repeating that Duginism defies categorization into right or left wing, because Dugin began as a staunch marxist cum ultra nationalist. What his ideology really is, is a form of Russian imperialism in the 21st century that exists to undermine the globalist order of geopolitics, or rather, the international community. They have and will support, fund, and lift up groups around the world regardless of their ideology if it stands to undermine the “Atlanticist” order and benefit the Eurasian platform.
So all those rising far right groups in the European Union, they too are getting a boost from the Kremlin, yes, even UKIP. But so are the lefties in California leading the effort to separate from the United States.
While the democrats were too busy laughing at trump getting played by Putin, they themselves have been played.
If you can’t beat your enemy on the field, you destroy them from the inside out.