philosopher’s stone: (5) three of the five are used by hagrid and an astonishing zero by harry. altogether an underwhelming turnout. (3/10)
chamber of secrets: (6) a good third of the “er”s are a result of lucius malfoy being a dick about hagrid’s hut. not a fan but still a better showing than the first book. (4/10)
prisoner of azkaban: (11) lupin enters the scene and the “er”s double, mostly because he is an awkward prince, but also because malfoy inherits his father’s cute quirk of being a dick to poor people. (6/10)
goblet of fire: (23) the er count skyrockets as harry hits puberty and becomes progressively more awkward. baby boy is growing up and has forgotten how to put a sentence together. also serves as a minor plot point with the sphinx’s riddle in the third task, giving er its well-deserved moment in the spotlight. (10/10)
order of the phoenix: (36) “So — so — they — er — they — er— they actually exist, do they — er — dementy-whatsits?”. excellent. still cannot comprehend what this sentence would actually sound like out loud. (9/10)
half-blood prince: (18) offsets the rising er trend which is disappointing. nothing to report other than harry is still unable to construct a sentence that does not contain ellipses (5/10)
deathly hallows: (8) hp is all grown up and has no need for speech disfluencies. brings a tear to the eye. (8/10)
I want to point out too that the vote on the AHCA wasn’t delayed; Ryan pulled it completely.
They’d have to start over from square one. Trump just stated that he’d be willing to re-open negotiations on a health care bill with Democrats if the ACA fails. (He is, of course, predicting it will fail YUUGELY)
people say the animorphs covers are *creepy* but the actual in book transformations are all like ‘then her face cracked in two, her organs melted, her bones all snapped and reformed backwards, and her fingers and toes fused together. she couldnt cry because her tear ducts didnt fucking exist anymore. everyone looked at the ground so they wouldnt throw up looking at this’
Why in the HELL are people so afraid of MIT and Boston Dynamic robots like Cheetah and Big Dog. Why??? EVERY time I see an article about them, it has a fear mongering title, and everyone in the comments is like “ROBO-APOCALYPSE WE’RE GONNA DIE SO SCURRY BOOO"
????? SUCH MONSTER. SO INHUMANITY. It’s carrying your fucking backpack, have a little courtesy.
Hide from it? IT CAN’T FUCKING SEE YOU. What exactly are we being fooled into thinking? That is isn’t friendly?
It’s pretty fucking friendly. It RUNS. It RUNS around and does literally nothing else.
Unholy? UNHOLY?
They’re PROBABLY planning to help military personal diffuse bombs, carry equipment and bring AID TO STRANDED PEOPLE JESUS CHRIST YOU GUYS. CHILL THOSE TITTIES.
It’s not like they’re going to sic them on civilians like doggy death bots. What will they do???
Bump into you????? Be adorable? SAVE LIVES?
Yes let’s please stop spinning great technology as horrifying