


one of my favorite tidbits about speedrunning that comes up every time the games done quick marathons come around is how Wind Waker speedruns are about five hours long because of the giant wall in Hyrule that actually forces the runner to play the game because they’ve been throwing shit at this wall for over a decade and still can’t figure out a way past it. the wall in hyrule is entirely unglitchable and the only way past it is to play the game properly. the speedrun would be like one hour if they could get past this wall but nope, it’s five hours. fuck the wall.

and the comedy of this situation is exponentially amplified the more you know about skips and glitches in speedruns in general

as examples of how broken WW is elsewhere, you can clip through walls and go out of bounds to skip entire dungeon sequences pretty much anywhere with a ledge, use the Wind Waker to enter a state where you ignore physics and swim at 5000 miles an hour, and even fly infinitely into the sky after dying like some kind of helium zombie. do you know how many games could be broken wide open by an infinite height trick? TTYD would shave off 3 or 4 hours.

but this fucking barrier around Hyrule Castle, against all odds, is just completely insurmountable with any of this. Ganondorf is literally the most successful and powerful villain in gaming history and this Super Extendo Fuck You Shield™ is a shining testament to it

This is the kind of information I want on my dash







ARE computers flammable? I feel like they’re probably not?

This depends entirely on how much uncooked rice you have shoved in the floppy drive.

…Ok I feel like there’s a story behind this.

There is, yes!

After I quit school, I worked briefly as a computer repair tech.  Going to people’s houses or businesses, fixing their various bugs, etc.  While I would rapidly decide that field was not for me because of the one businessman who needed multiple “cup holder” replacements (you know, you push that button and that plastic holder thing with the hole comes out … I think it is technically call the “Cup Depository Tray”?  CD, right?), he is not the most memorable encounter.  No, that goes to one of the nicest ladies I ever encountered on this job.

She called us out because her computer had stopped turning on, and wouldn’t even make a noise when she tried to push the button.  One day it had just shut off while she was using it and stubbornly refused to come back on, and could we please see what we could do to fix it?

So I go out there expecting some wire had gotten loose and there was no power getting to the machine or something.  It happens sometimes if a machine gets banged around enough, or if someone fiddles with it wrong or is careless putting it together, computers are finicky like that.  But as soon as I get to the box itself, I know it isn’t that simple, because of the smell. I have smelled computers with dust all up in them, that isn’t uncommon, but this is just vile and, more importantly, entirely new.

I am now more curious than afraid, so I open it up and there is a mass of goopy off-white mush spilling all over everything, parts of it are burnt to circuits, there is almost nothing untouched by the mass.  But by far the worst off is the A drive.  That is the obvious source of the problem, and the thing has … not “exploded”, but more burst from the pressure of whatever this stuff was.

So I ask the woman if she had used the floppy drive recently and noticed any problems, and she says no, not until the whole machine stopped working.  But I come to find out what she used it for.

Turns out this woman was a devout Shinto practitioner and believed that her computer (among other things) had a soul that needed to be respected an honored.  Which, fair enough.  But she chose to honor it by feeding it a grain of rice every time she had to wake it up and disturb its rest.  For years this kindhearted woman had been putting a grain of rice into the A drive every time she turned it on or woke the thing up from sleep mode.  And eventually that was enough pressure to break the drive and start spilling out onto the internal bits, where the heat melted it all and caused no end of problems.

After that it was a simple enough thing to explain that there are better ways to honor and take care of your computer’s needs, what with virus scans or defrags and the like, but that poor device was entirely lost.

I guess the moral of the story here is that you can try your best to be good and still wind up hurting people?  Maybe?  Or else it’s that even the most horrible out of context problem isn’t nearly as frustrating as one middle aged jerk who won’t freaking listen when you tell him that CD trays are not for your dang coffee cups!

The end~

ok but im so taken with the fact that she was feeding her computer to apologise for waking it up?? thats so sweet????

I know right?! As a smol autistic, I find this highly relatable.

tres horny boys as people i encountered in NY

Magnus: the 6ft tall dogwalker with like nine dogs who, when i asked if i could pet one, informed me that they were in fact his volunteer attack dog armada but he did let me pat the first officer, a dalmatian named Scamper
Merle: this guy who walked into the washroom, stood there for five seconds, went “im sure youre wondering why ive gathered you all here today” and then started ranting about the state of healthcare in this country
Taako: a man wearing a pink overcoat, knee-high boots, and carrying a plastic shopping bag full of prunes, which he then proceeded to empty by throwing them by the handful at the doors to trump tower



actual genocides: the Holodomor, the holocaust, Armenian genocide, Cambodian genocide, Rwandan genocide, Srebrenica massacre

not a genocide: the slow decline of the white American population as people choose to have fewer kids due to a greatly reduced child mortality rate and general lack of necessity for additional labor on the ol’ family farm

definitely not a genocide: the slow decline of the white American population and rise of the mixed-race American population because white women aren’t tripping over themselves to have kids with the American equivalent of Japanese “herbivore men” that spend their days geolocating Shia Lebouf’s “He Will Not Divide Us” installations and posting frog cartoons on the internet between futa hentai beat-off sessions and intense philosophical debates about whether or not liking traps makes you gay
