Sex positivity is flat & overwrought. Casual sex can & will re-traumatize you; teaching young girls to have sex before they are ready will create the first red & heavy chasm of sexual trauma, which they will spend the rest of their lives carrying.
honestly. I wish I had listened to adults telling me I didn’t need to be having sex as a teenager. I hope I learn how to convey this to our younger sisters in a way that won’t sound like a puritanical old fogey so it isn’t as easy for them to ignore as it was for me
I was in very deep with libfem tumblr when hypersexuality reared its ugly head as a result of sexual trauma and I went out and got myself into increasingly dangerous, traumatising sexual interactions and situations. And everywhere I looked the only message I saw was: be a slut! It’s okay! Real feminists have casual sex! Fuck whoever you want whenever!
It honestly really damaged me.