

Jake English would probably stan for the Star Wars prequels. Not like the fanboy Wookiepedia continuity geek “let me tell you about the technical specs of this droid who shows up in this one scene” stan, but as a man who sees the potential in every film. Like so:

“No john you see the star wars prequels are in of fact a poignant tragedy! The jedi order have been flipped to a broken and decaying institution of the galaxy and despite the good men and women and aliens within their order burearucracy and rules impede them in their quest for justice. And among it all the cause of its true downfall is a doomed romance needled in just the right direction by a sith the jedi were so arrogantly blind to he basically became their president! And yes john there are a lot of as you call them ‘big dumb cgi action scenes’ and i happen to like them a lot. What the fuck of it?”

Jake unironically quotes the line about sand at Dirk as a pick up line. The insinuation he is in fact not course and rough and irritating empowers Melty Sap Dirk to overpower Media Snob Dirk for a moment and drown in the fact Jake loves him as much as Anakin hates sand.