shut the fuck up you know damn well this ask is about normalizing pedophilia with pedophilic ships and content
That doesn’t mean much, considering people will call ships involving adult characters or characters over the age of consent “pedophilic”.
If teenagers shipping fictional characters on a social media platform “normalizes pedophilia”, how come horror films released to thousands of theaters and seen by millions of patrons aren’t “normalizing” murder? Aside from acts of terrorism, murder rates have only plummeted dramatically over the past few decades (which is backed by statistics from the Federal Bureau of Justice).
Oh, right. Because most sane people can tell the difference between fiction and reality, and realize that one doesn’t significantly affect the other.
Also, people like badstevenuniversescreencaps literally abuse and lower the value of the term of “pedophilia” for the purpose of glorified shipping wars, so their input is worth about as much as a pile of horse shit.
wow look at that a list of murders inspired by horror movies
Oh, you poor thing. Now you just brought hell upon yourself. For one, that’s not a “study”. That’s just a list of people who imitated something–people that were already fucked up to begin with, and would have likely imitated any act of violence from any source. I’m literally just gonna copy-paste a previous post, because I detest repeating myself:
Here’s the problem with your statement: Being inspired by something does not equate to causing something. You’re using the “Slippery Slope” logical fallacy
(which, ironically, is a favorite amongst overzealous fundamentalist
conservatives). By your logic, you’re placing the blame for an incident
of a child jumping off the roof in the 90′s on Wile E. Coyote, and not on the child being improperly educated about neighborhood dangers, and being without parental supervision.
TL;DR: Not everyone who reads fiction even has the ability
to act out in ways they know are morally wrong: A well-adjusted person
(including most with lower-functioning empathy) knows and understands
the consequences for such behavior. They are still able to connect
their actions to how they may affect others, which–in turn–keeps those
actions in check. The people that do act out inappropriately are already broken, and would act out regardless
of whatever they see or hear (especially if they are already into or
past adolescence, as the majority of brain growth takes place from
infancy to early preschool).
Essentially, the people that might act out in violence would do so regardless of media input. Telling them “This is WRONG!” wouldn’t stop them, because they’re already aware that it’s wrong and simply do not fucking care.
Even an actual horror movie had the self-awareness to point this out.
In short: You’re ignorant and uneducated in this matter, and you have nothing to substantiate your claims, while there is a shit ton of scientific and psychological study proving you wrong.
they deleted that shit so fast
I love posts like this. Writers, shippers – write and ship what you want to.