While I do like your color schemes, I do think you could work on your anatomy. Sometimes the upper portion on some characters’ legs is too long. Also, often times your mouths are too long or shift from one side more than another. Maybe don’t make the lines stretch out across the face




Hey. Stop. No more constructive criticism. 

I work hard on my anatomy, and the way I draw expressions is part of my style, exaggeration is the way to do it. If you have a problem with the way I draw in my style, that’s fine, you don’t have to like it, but I’m done reading all the messages about what YOU pERSONALLY dislike about my art. Because as I said, that’s your personal preference, and me drawing it the way I like it, is my preference. 

So stop it with this, please. If I want criticism, I’ll be asking for it. 

Look people,

1. If you have something to criticize, chances are that the artist is already fully aware of the mistake being there, but chooses not to change it because it’s not worth the effort and they get more out of just moving on and doing better in the next picture than going back and fixing that one mistake.
2. If the artist is not aware of the mistake, they will soon be, if you just let them see it for themselves. They won’t be aware of it any sooner just because you, the god-tier art critic, points it out. They will be aware of it when they are ready for it and when it’s within their comfort zone to change it. It’s called getting better with practice, which is about 10 times more effective than sorting through anonymous “constructive criticism” and trying to apply poorly worded messages with no visual context to their next art piece.

3. And lastly: People vastly underestimate how far praise and compliments can go in motivating artists to get better, AND how any type of criticism, even “constructive” one, can put a big halt to an artists’ flow and make them feel shit about their work. Newsflash: This will make them draw less and less and it will make getting better a much slower and more painful process for them.

And then there’s this thing called art style – and if there’s anything to criticise about that, then it’s your personal preference versus their personal preference. It will bring nothing with it except negative feelings, demotivation and arguments.
You’re not obligated to like someones style in any way, but neither are they obligated to accept or even read criticism from someone who just criticises the style they draw in.
So do yourselves a favour and just accept it when someone says they don’t want criticism. What do YOU lose anyway from not having to spend the time on analyzing and carefully writing about someones art? Save the time and everyone’s happy.

This is so wonderfully put and right to the point. 

When I got loads of criticism last year, I basically stopped drawing, and only put something out once every two weeks, if at all. I was so insecure of my style, my art, everything I did, that I felt like me putting anything up was useless anyway. Thanks, bud, for putting it so well.