




Undertale is a great game.

Seriously, it’s so good. The story has depth and mystery, the characters are lovable and memorable and the world feels like a real world.

The monsters of the Underground have their own culture that is informed uniquely by internet culture, but is still their own thing. The game contains different tones and balances them excellently. The meta-narrative is also very well done, where the gameplay, player, code and even people watching streams and let’s plays informing the game world and story.

And all of it just works together so well to create a great game.

Ah, my dude, you can’t talk about Undertale without talkin’ about the surprising genius that is the game’s soundtrack. Everything about it feels connected, like you could tell a surprisingly coherent narrative just by listening to the leit motifs contained within the music. The subtle nuances and not-so-subtle connections really make the soundtrack shine as a whole.

Undertale’s soundtrack is also amazing. And the way it connects to everything else is so good and often subtle. Like, there’re theories that are based on the leitmotifs of the soundtrack.

Look at this interconnected coolness [X]