Buttercup is announcing his decision to pull out of the Paris agreement right now.






I tried watching it, but I can’t.

This asshole would try to withdraw from an oxygen-sharing agreement if Obama had brokered it. Indeed, one could argue that that’s what he’s actually doing right now. 

The US is now officially done with being a world leader. In addition to what this likely means for the planet, this is one of the most isolating and antagonistic things, from a world-relations point of view, that Buttercup could have done.

Good luck, rest of the world. I hope you can pull the planet in the right direction. We will go to work on Buttercup, Pruitt, and this criminal administration; but don’t wait for us, this is going to be a very long fight.

The Weather Channel has decided, evidently, to lead the resistance:


I suppose this will change, but right now, there are eight stories featured on the homepage about climate change, with titles I would almost call…troll-y.

Barack Obama has also put out a statement about this.

So has John Kerry.

By the way, the Guardian has a piece about the 22 Republican Senators who signed a letter encouraging Buttercup to pull out of the agreement:

The Republicans who urged Trump to pull out of Paris are big deal oil darlings

Are you represented by one of them? Do you have time to make a phone call today and let his staffers know how you feel?

Also, there’s going to be an emergency demonstration outside the White House at 5 PM organized by a group called 350 DC. If you’re in the DC area you should be able to find the Facebook event by searching.

God, I feel sick. He has zero grasp of what he’s doing, all he understands is that he’s sticking it to Obama.

All empires fall; America was going to someday lose its supremacy. I just didn’t realize it would happen in my lifetime, nor that it would be deliberately thrown away by a mental toddler to please his xenophobic fluffer.

Adding more links of people who aren’t happy:

61 Mayors

Governors of NY, CA, and WA

Robert Iger has resigned from the President’s Council over this. I’ve also seen reports that Elon Musk is resigning too, but I don’t have a source.