


I’ve seen several posts going around about obvious furry porn getting put up in high-class art museums, where the general thrust is all “ha ha, those ivory tower snobs don’t even realise they’re putting furry porn in their art galleries, because they’re not Internet Savvy like we are!”

Let’s leave aside for the moment the question of whether this is a reasonable conclusion to draw, and assume for the sake of argument that art museums are, indeed, being bamboozled into putting weird fetish porn on their walls due to lack of cultural context on the part of their curators.

Now, take a step back and consider: what are the odds that this is the first period in history where these sorts of shenanigans have occurred?

Indeed, what confidence do we have that it hasn’t been happening constantly throughout the history of Western art?

How many of the respected works of eras past that we genuflect over every day are, in fact, weird fetish porn that we ourselves lack the cultural context to correctly identify as such?

…are you kinkshaming the Mona Lisa?…

I am absolutely kinkshaming the Mona Lisa.