today i got some columbian food in the back of a haunted mall how was everyone else’s day
ok i will tell the tale
so im taking this spanish class, spanish professor wanted us to go out to eat to practice. im all prepared, i punch in the address and drive 2 the place. turns out this place isnt really a restaurant so much as it is a small habitable zone at the back of a vast, empty mall
there was dead silence and darkness. 90% of the outlets were shut down and blocked off
it was 2 o’clock on a Saturday, but this mall was COMPLETELY barren. an air of powerful curses hung in the air. none of the escalators were working, i had to hike up one like stairs
of course once i got to the restaurant i had a nice time and some p good food and a guy with a saxophone serenaded us with covers of pop hits
my freinds, it was surreal
so my plans got really mixed up today and i decided to revisit the cursed mall while i was in the area! it seems things have gotten even stranger
for the most part, it is still the creepy empty mall it has always been. but this time even less stores were open, even the columbian restaurant was closed.
the food court, which was slightly open before, was utterly barren, and for some reason slightly sped-up mexican sounding music played over the completely empty venue
this was a particularly strange outlet, where instead of the remains of a store, there was a neatly set up classroom in the display window
you’ve crossed into a place untouched by mortals and you need to avoid this place, or else the next time you enter that place, you may never return
somebody draw an oc, then i’ll draw an oc, then we’ll argue about which will win in a fight
alright FIGHT ME
Oh, crap. That was fast. Uh…
This is Battle Beard. He’ll win because he’s got a magic beard.
this is Farina and she, uh, will win bc she really likes fire. she has a torch.
Alright, I hear you, but here’s the thing:
Magic beard hose powers.
Battle Beard is victorious!
“You. Me. Titanic Director’s Cut edition. Who weeps first, loses.”
Oh, no! The ocean makes Battle Beard emotional! He loses instantly!!
“No, the tears we cry are of the same ocean Brother. As you cried physically, my spirit wept a thousand seas for Leonardo Dicaprio. Your tears only prove that you are a real Champion. Keep fighting Battle Beard. Your journey has just begun.”
yall i get padparadscha is cute and pure and we love her but ,,, there’s a polyamorous gem, a conjoined gem and ANOTHER fusion yet theyre shoved to the side for the most normal lookin one um?
you have fluorite, who’s probably not the fandom favourite (bc she’s not tiny, femme and cute!! fucking tragic) but she’s made of SIX GEMS. that takes a lot. her components must be so loving and committed to be able to stay in a stable, polyamorous, six-gem fusion and i really admire that. also she’s so gentle, softspoken and sweet what the heck. protect caterpillar grandma
and my personal favourite, rutile !! my twin children ! sapphire isn’t the only one who has it rough (since she can’t really do her job bless her);; the other rutiles deadass ran away from our rutiles when they emerged ?? and they’re so cute they have opposite opinions/ repeat each other’s sentences and gosh. they saved steven and lars from the robonoids too? i love them so much + theyre not a negative portrayal of conjoined twins !! fucking fabulous
i don’t really know what to say about rhodonite since we have quite a lot of fusions anyway but she’s so brave living on homeworld (not that she has anywhere else to go but still? u go) when different-gem fusions are obviously frowned upon. and our rhodonite is rumoured to be a ruby and a pearl !! personally i love that since rubies and pearls are shown to be completely different gems and the character herself is just. so pure. always worrying, concerned for her friends? A True Mom
so yes i’m aware that padparadscha sapphire is adorable but please ?? show some love towards the other off colors?? it’s too early to be favoring the only one not misshapen have a good day and thanks for listening
how do u know the porn you’re watching is totally consensual
that these women weren’t forced into this work
that these women are of age
that these women were treated properly on set
that these women are okay with it being released in the format it has been released(onto which website/etc)
you fucking don’t
IF YOU’RE WATCHING HIGH-PRODUCTION PORN FROM MAINSTREAM COMPANIES, YOU CAN NOW BE CERTAIN OF ALL OF THESE THINGS. The major companies require an STD test every fourteen days, and some even require WEEKLY tests. They go to great lengths to make sure the performers feel comfortable on set and their actions are consensual, before and after filming.
They go to very, VEEEEEEEERY, perhaps annoyingly great lengths to verify age. If I lose ONE of my government-issued ID’s, I’m totally fucked fr work with these people. We also have to sign a LOT of paperwork, on video, while LISTENING to someone tell us “this will be published on the internet. is that okay?” to which we answer YES.
More into amateur porn? That’s okay! You can still take measures to ensure that you’re buying safe, consensual porn! By buying it DIRECTLY from female performers on websites like MyGirlFund. Then, you don’t even have to give money to one of the big porn companies, which many of us understandably have some qualms with. It goes straight to her!
But hey, when have radfems ever given a fuck about the women they actively harm with their misguided efforts?