oh noooo

i apparently have a 2 day week next semester. but two of my classes confict with each other

i need to get into honours so i can write a thesis on this

today’s style of art in internet culture comes from the styles of flash animation, anime, furries, and art made by the early fanfiction community smashed together

the 2000 flash animations all do have a specific style to them, and it has similarities to internet art style (everything has an outline, flat colours/cell shading, that 2000s trend where you drew hands only no arms). but idk if those similarities are because that was legitemately the popular style of the time or if these people are just. not good at art and using the simplest possible tools

if newgrounds started in 1995, why are the earliest submissions from 2000

anyone know of any internet art archives pre 2003? im especially interested in pre 2000

also: fun thing i found out. photoshop’s quick export as png will export at 120 dpi, even if the psd has a higher dpi. ms paint will also export at 120 dpi

u need to actually go save as -> png for it to export at the right resolution