

today i learned that the people who were like let’s give drugs to spiders and see what happens in the 90s were the same who back in the 70s decided to send spiders into space and see what happens. so they did. they did that. they sent two spiders named anita and arabella (aw!) and what happened was at first they built really shitty webs in zero gravity to the surprise of exactly no one. but a couple of days later they took those embarrassing messes down and built nicer webs. when they died they were put in the smithsonian and you can go see their tiny spider carcasses if that’s a thing you want to do. 

also they brought a jumping spider on the international space station and it did fine, just. hanging around. being a jumping spider in zero gravity. then they brought it back to earth to see what it would do and what it did was it kept falling on its ass when trying to jump. you can see a bit of it here if that’s also a thing you want to do. 
