do you have any reaper squad head canons you wanna share?


hell yes i do:

  • At first Lup and Kravitz butt heads on stuff like how they make their entrances on group missions (both are extra af but lup is more…explody about things and Kravitz has a flare for the dramatic)
  • Barry heckles shitty necromancers to their face because he can do it wayyyy better (”nice formula asshole who’d you bounce this one off of your gurgling corpse friend over there”)
  • Lup refuses to call Kravitz by his name, only skeleton-based nicknames
  • Kravitz at first is annoyed by it but quickly becomes resigned to his fate
  • When Barry and Lup first hear Krav doing voices they start cackling and Krav gets super embarrassed
  • Lup gets into doing voices too (Barry does them sometimes)
  • Barry gets salty about always having to dress nicely and starts just wearing jeans and a sweater because fuck that noise im barry bluejeans not barry blackslacks 
  • Once they see eye to eye Lup and Kravitz start planning the flashiest possible ways to bust liches and Barry is mortified because the amount of property damage they’re gonna cause is unquantifiable
  •  After longer solo missions Lup tries to get a few days off to hang with Barry because he gets anxious about her going off alone
  • double dates with Krav and Taako are essentially three grim reapers and a ceo of a major brand sitting in a fantasy olive garden judging the pasta like its not a big deal