
not to be sappy and show emotion but im genuinely so happy about lup. this badass, lovable, loved person, who’s treated as intimidatingly cool and hot and beautiful and rad enough that barry was so, so nervous about asking her out, and she’s trans. the cliche of the super cool popular girl who the kinda dorky guy crushes so hard on is annoying but griffin wrote it so well and oh yeah she’s also trans

it feels so good to see a trans girl in any media whos shown not only as beautiful and cool but desirable. shes not just admired from a distance, put on a pedestal, she’s cool and fun and cocky and everybody loves not just knowing her but loves being her friend, and in one case, her lover. we never get that. we never just get to be girls with no prefix. 

like i mean i do appreciate trans characters in more realistic (and more public) media where their transness does have to be dealt with and examined as a part of their life, but sometimes it’s nice to just exist without your identity affecting you in everything you do. lup would be an amazing character, and i’d be ok with blupjeans even if she was cis but she’s not and that’s so fuckin rad

anyway this was completely spontaneous but tl;dr i love lup