yall, living in current time: *compares yourself to anime characters or some other dumb shit*
me, living in 2060: you see this rock? it is megemsona
fuck you. fuck you fuck you. fuck y
You asked for this.
No one asks for an alarming number of bees.
Hello I would like to start a beehive. I was thinking that a good starting population would be somewhere in the vicinity of an alarming number?
You really shouldn’t start a beehive if any amount of bees is alarming to you.
i would argue that there is a number of bees which would be alarming to you, regardless of your opinion on or natural affinity for bees.
For example, on the extreme end,
4.97666667 × 1028 average worker bees would be equivalent to the mass of the earth. That would be pretty alarming to anybody.
welcome to my post. may i offer you guys some lemonade
anybody in this thread smoke loud