
Normalize being a good father.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a single father or a married one. Childrearing is not “babysitting,” you’re not “Mr. Mom,” you’re a father. A dad. You are a parent, and your children are born loving you, even if they are small and stubborn and don’t know what that means yet.

You can be a man and a father even if you gave birth to your children. 

It’s not unmanly to change a diaper or read bedtime stories or hug your children – especially your sons – when they cry. Cook their favorite dinners and pack their lunches and blow raspberries on their cheeks before they go to school. 

Our society doesn’t value men as parents, but you can change that. Love your children, show them what it means to be a good man, so that when they grow up they can be better fathers and husbands and friends, too.