“Barry’s name was originally Sildar Hallwinter” taken very literally. Walk with me.



Sildar Jean Hallwinter. A stuffy name that belonged to great grandpa. “Jean” said all fancylike as in “Jean Valjean”.

Heck it. That’s a mouthful. Parents called him “Darry”. Darry Jean Hallwinter.

Misspelled as “Barry” on his introductory IPRE nametag. It stuck as a joke, then became the only thing people knew him by. Barry Jean Whatshisface.

Haha “Bluejean”. Cause he wears Bluejeans all the time. It’s hilarious.

Barry J. Bluejeans.

#i’m fucking yelling good god #he just starts introducing himself as barry bluejeans by the time he gets to ipre #then at he and lup’s wedding #‘do you take sildar hallwinter to be-’ #‘do i take fucking WHOM’

I’m dying