Stolen Century plots I kinda wanna write but probs never will



– Barry introduces the locals to necromancy, accidentally becomes a cult leader

– Lup and Davenport get addicted to street racing, everyone gently tries to remind them that using the Light of Creation to soup up their wheels is really, really irresponsible CAPTAIN!??!

– Fischer eats some important manuals and now they have to deal with malfunctioning machinery with no goddamned clue how it works

– The crew gets split up and hopelessly lost in a labyrinth. As they find they’re way out they have some Nice Bonding Moments – Lup and Merle talk about faith and hope; Dav, Magnus and Barry talk about duty and devotion; Lucretia and Taako find some weird mushrooms and get fucked up

– A rich and powerful monarch has the light, but is willing to trade it for (insert IPRE member)’s hand in marriage.

– One or both of the twins get turned into a vampire and spends the cycle lowkey trying to eat everyone.

– Davenport gets kidnapped and held for ransom and the whole crew rushes to save him, only to discover he was perfectly capable of rescuing himself. The kidnappers had squirreled him away in a library and he decided it might be nice just to take a break and do some reading.

– Someone challenges the crew to a battle of intellect for the Light and Taako almost blows it when they ask him a math question

– Barry gets hit with a mild but annoying curse that can only be broken by ‘true loves kiss’. It ends with Merle kissing him platonically on the cheek, because of course the whole crew loves each other!! Meanwhile Taako is fuming because he cast that spell so Lup would kiss him and they’d finally admit they liked each other godAMN IT MERLE YOU WHERE IN ON THIS WHAT ARE YOU DOING MAN???

– They come across an entire world of intelligent plant people. Merle’s delight is directly proportionate to everyone else’s suffering. 

Plant person planet: merle walks around the whole year looking like he just sprinted through a corn field in August when the tassels were out. Lucretia seriously considers taking an early out after month 2 of hayfever. Taako spent the year fermenting anything he could lay his hands on, inventing a potion/cocktail with Lup called Memory Fogger. Most of the crew indulges in this whenever Merle is asked to cast “healing hands for a sore stamen.”